Thursday, November 30, 2017
Johnny Balbona: The SINTUNADATOR!
For the first time in color! Johnny Balbona: SINTUNADATOR first appeared in black and white in Mwahaha!, published by Mango Comics in 2005. In this adventure, Johnny makes a biting commentary on the current state of SINGING! Click on the image or HERE to read the story!
Saturday, November 25, 2017
The Fourth San Pablo City Comics Festival Date Announced
It's official. The Fourth San Pablo City Comics Festival will be held on January 20, 2019 at Roño's Place here in San Pablo City. Roño's Place is just around the corner from the Komiks Museum. Here's a map.
I decided to announce it early because it's always good to start planning early and promote it right away. The more people know about this event, when and where, the more people will get the chance to go, specially since this venue is not located in a commercial area and walk-ins are practically nil.
It also helps to announce early to avoid any scheduling conflicts with other similar events. We decided to hold it on a Sunday because it would make it easier for visitors from Manila to travel to San Pablo. Traffic is usually hellish on Saturdays so we wanted to avoid that.
As of now that's the important info that I can share about the comics festival. More information about this event in the coming months will be announced.
I decided to announce it early because it's always good to start planning early and promote it right away. The more people know about this event, when and where, the more people will get the chance to go, specially since this venue is not located in a commercial area and walk-ins are practically nil.
It also helps to announce early to avoid any scheduling conflicts with other similar events. We decided to hold it on a Sunday because it would make it easier for visitors from Manila to travel to San Pablo. Traffic is usually hellish on Saturdays so we wanted to avoid that.
As of now that's the important info that I can share about the comics festival. More information about this event in the coming months will be announced.
Friday, November 24, 2017
My Future Activities
I just posted this on Facebook and Twitter.
"I can see a time when I'll be limiting all my activities to San Pablo City, even comics conventions. That means a revival of the San Pablo Comics Festival. Considering this seriously."
I can delude myself by saying it's to help decongest the traffic in Manila, but it's just me just getting plainly sick of the big city, the pollution, the insane traffic. Mainly it's for self preservation because I want to be where I feel I'm healthiest, and because of mobility problems that make it difficult to travel long distance. A single trip to Manila for one day wipes me out. The last Komikon event was amazing, but I just got too tired by the end of the second day, which actually led to some health consequences that I'm still paying for today.
I will make my final stabs at Komiket and Komikon next year, 2018. But I'm afraid they'll perhaps be the last events in Manila I'll be attending. Perhaps my team can be there to sell my books in 2019 and beyond, but I myself won't be there anymore.
There are currently no comic book related events in San Pablo City, so that most likely means I'll go and have to revive the San Pablo Comics Festival. The first one was held in 2003. A new festival will be the fourth one. With Johnny gone, it will be much harder, but the owners of Tia Maria's Sining at Kultura have agreed to have festivals like this at Roño's Place. It's out of the way, but if the event is held there, it will be much easier for me to manage. This also means the Komikero Artists Group would also need to be revived for additional manpower and support. Well just have to promote it like crazy so people in San Pablo and surrounding areas would be aware that such an event is taking place.
Clearly I have gone beyond simply "considering it seriously".
"I can see a time when I'll be limiting all my activities to San Pablo City, even comics conventions. That means a revival of the San Pablo Comics Festival. Considering this seriously."
I can delude myself by saying it's to help decongest the traffic in Manila, but it's just me just getting plainly sick of the big city, the pollution, the insane traffic. Mainly it's for self preservation because I want to be where I feel I'm healthiest, and because of mobility problems that make it difficult to travel long distance. A single trip to Manila for one day wipes me out. The last Komikon event was amazing, but I just got too tired by the end of the second day, which actually led to some health consequences that I'm still paying for today.
I will make my final stabs at Komiket and Komikon next year, 2018. But I'm afraid they'll perhaps be the last events in Manila I'll be attending. Perhaps my team can be there to sell my books in 2019 and beyond, but I myself won't be there anymore.
There are currently no comic book related events in San Pablo City, so that most likely means I'll go and have to revive the San Pablo Comics Festival. The first one was held in 2003. A new festival will be the fourth one. With Johnny gone, it will be much harder, but the owners of Tia Maria's Sining at Kultura have agreed to have festivals like this at Roño's Place. It's out of the way, but if the event is held there, it will be much easier for me to manage. This also means the Komikero Artists Group would also need to be revived for additional manpower and support. Well just have to promote it like crazy so people in San Pablo and surrounding areas would be aware that such an event is taking place.
Clearly I have gone beyond simply "considering it seriously".
Saturday, November 18, 2017
Almost Calm
I've been very busy the past month it was kind of hectic. There were my two deadlines, plus Komikon, plus the furious updates on this website with the archiving of old blog posts and putting up web comics. It actually kind of wiped me out because by the second day of the Komikon was very ready to just collapse. I took a couple of days to take it easy. I guess that's enough time for me because I was starting to get really uneasy not doing anything productive. I'm so glad I'm back to inking now. I have a new project with Leinil Yu which is actually kind of hard to describe, or even say a title. It's not just one issue, but a bunch of pages concentrating on one character across many issues. It's interesting working on several titles at once. Some VERY interesting titles.
It isn't as hectic today. I've managed to calm down a bit. Relaxing, inking, surfing the net, playing this online video game called "Awakening Kingdoms". It's not a tense game to play, unlike things like Crimsonland. It's a game that actually never ends. It just goes on and on. It's a free game, but if you want the game to progress faster than it's normal leisurely rate, that's when you throw in the money. But I'm not interested in blasting through this game. Playing it slow works perfectly for me. I get to play an hour, maybe less, in a single day. And that's just enough.
It isn't as hectic today. I've managed to calm down a bit. Relaxing, inking, surfing the net, playing this online video game called "Awakening Kingdoms". It's not a tense game to play, unlike things like Crimsonland. It's a game that actually never ends. It just goes on and on. It's a free game, but if you want the game to progress faster than it's normal leisurely rate, that's when you throw in the money. But I'm not interested in blasting through this game. Playing it slow works perfectly for me. I get to play an hour, maybe less, in a single day. And that's just enough.
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
At Komikon 2017

It's always nice meeting up with my old buddy old pal Jonas Diego specially at Komikon. It was a special Komikon for us because our mutual and late buddy Johnny Danganan received a posthumous Comic Aid award for his numerous charitable efforts to help comics creators in need. I pirated a bit of Komikon's recorded live video footage of the awards, inserted a special video that I did of Johnny and Jonas receiving the award on behalf of Johnny's family.
As far as Komikero Publishing goes, I think it was a pretty successful one for us. We sold a whole bunch of Bakokak as well as Elmer and Rodski. It was fantastic seeing all my old friends and meeting new ones. I'm specially proud of Kevin. His work on Bakokak seemed to have gone over well with readers and I'm glad to have had a little hand in introducing him to a wider audience.
I really owe a debt of gratitude to the Komikon organizers who have so graciously and generously helped me out with some of my concerns. Because of them I stayed at the event far longer than I scheduled to, and had a great time in the process.
Thanks also to Danry Ocampo for helping me out by getting copies of some new indie komiks that I wanted to get. I wasn't sure if I was going to get the chance to go around much so it helped having an extra set of Danry's legs to help me get these comics.
Of the things I've read so far, Puso Negro by JP Palabon and Please Take Care of My Heart by Gioseppe "Loser Mangaka" Custodio were just so hardcore that I couldn't help spewing profanity as I read them. P*cha, E 'di KOMIKS by Toto Madayag is always funny. Ultimo by Ruvel Abril was very exciting and has excellent artwork. I have yet to read the rest. I must mention the reprint of Dante Perez's "The Cursed" (bottom row, third from left). I was so glad to see this in print. A rare work of a master Filipino artist who passed away too soon.
I'm also very grateful to my wife Ilyn and my ever present Komikon crew: Zara Macandili and Edjee Chozas, and Ilyn's niece Kyla Florese in her first Komikon ever. I would not survive Komikon without these guys.
In spite of the two annoying typos in BAKOKAK (which are entirely my fault, argh), I thought it turned out well. I'll be sure to correct that in the second printing.
johnny balbona,
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
Bakokak Launches at Komikon 2017
My first new graphic novel in three years, Bakokak, launches at Komikon 2017 this November 11 and 12 at the Bayanihan Center in Pasig! I've written it and artist Kevin Ray Valentino illustrated it. The Komikero Publishing table is located at A49 and A50 (see map below).
All Komikero Publishing material will be sold at those two tables including Bakokak, Elmer, Rodski Patoski: Ang Dalagang Baby, Crest Hut Butt Shop #4, original inked at from Marvel, and official Bakokak merchandise bundles (with Bakokak, pins and shirts) in partnership with Green Turismo. Bakokak artist Kevin Ray Valentino will be at this table to sign your books!
However, I will be located somewhere else (for various reasons that I really can't explain at the moment). I will be sitting, for both days, at table B72, near the screen. I will not be selling any Komikero books at this table. I will just be on hand to sign your books (and anything else you bring to me).
The Komikero Tables will be open for the entire two days. I will have a more limited schedule. At the B72 table I will be there:
Saturday, November 11
Sunday, November 12
Thanks very much to Komikon for making this possible. I'm really looking forward to an awesome event! And I'm very much looking to share my newest book with you all!
Unfortunately, I still can't shake hands because of my vulnerable condition. I can get sick very easily, specially in crowded places. I really hope you guys understand and not take offense.
Johnny Balbona Online!
Johnny Balbona goes online! Johnny Balbona is someone I created early in the 2000s for Mango Comics humor publication "Mwahaha!".
Johnny is someone I based, at least visually, on my old late great pal, Johnny Danganan, who is nothing like Johnny in real life except for the er... inhuman amount of hair on his body.
Johnny Balbona ran for several issues on Mwahaha! until the magazine was discontinued. There's more life in Johnny so I decided to color them (Johnny's original adventures were in black and white), and upload them one strip at a time, on this website.
The first story I'm uploading is probably from Mwahaha's 5th or 6th issue, which featured Johnny as the superhero "The Repudiator" which is my take on the Punisher. Click on the "Web Comics" button at the top to get reading!
Monday, November 6, 2017
Web Comics
I've been doing comics on the web on and off (mostly off) ever since I went online back in 1997. I decided to collect them all in one place. You can check out the link to the page in the button above. It's not something I've actually monetized aggressively. Initially it was all just Google Adsense, but I've since done away with it. I just want to now offer bits of my work for free without ads or payment.
I'll be regularly updating that page with new links, but as long as my online comics last, I guess. I really haven't done that much. I suppose I can upload stuff that I've done primarily for print, but who knows. I just might probably do that.
Sunday, November 5, 2017
Wasted Online
Because of the massive outage at the original, most options of reading Wasted on mobile have now been discontinued. However, you can still read Wasted for free through a website right on the original Wasted Online Site here.
Unfortunately, the mobi, pdf, cbr and torrent files are now gone. Once I find another hosting site, I will definitely consider uploading these files (including the Special Digital Edition) and other types of files that can be used by currently patronized gadgets.
Right now, this is the only option to read Wasted as it's now once again currently out of print. It will not stay that way for long though. As soon as I've gathered up enough money, I will come up with a 4th printing.
Saturday, November 4, 2017
Reviving and Collecting My Entire Blog Archive
All day yesterday I was thinking about what to do with my blog archive, which extends way back to 1997. I thought since this website is already housed on blogger, I thought I'd just migrate everything here, one post at a time. This is quite a huge task, requiring perhaps weeks of hard work if I do it non stop. I guess I'll just revive one post at a time when I have the time. And later on, perhaps I'll take some assistants to help me. Because I have been quite the yapper and I've just written online so much.
The challenge is that my blog archive at the original site has gone down and I have no back up. Good thing the Internet has my back and has archived much of my blog on Goodreads, on and on an old Komikero blogger site. So I will be migrating my entries from those places one at a time here to this site until all of it is here. I hope to God blogger doesn't go down or else I'll just shoot myself. No I won't. But it would still be a bummer.
I've started with one of the very last posts on my old site before it went down. Check it out here.
One post down. A thousand or so more to go.
The challenge is that my blog archive at the original site has gone down and I have no back up. Good thing the Internet has my back and has archived much of my blog on Goodreads, on and on an old Komikero blogger site. So I will be migrating my entries from those places one at a time here to this site until all of it is here. I hope to God blogger doesn't go down or else I'll just shoot myself. No I won't. But it would still be a bummer.
I've started with one of the very last posts on my old site before it went down. Check it out here.
One post down. A thousand or so more to go.
Friday, November 3, 2017
Website Redesign
I've got a little bit of time to work on my website these past few days. I've set up a couple of online shops but more importantly, I brought back my "About" page as well as my "Portfolio" page, links to which you can see above.
My "About" page describes pretty much who I am and what I do, along with a list of things I have accomplished in comics. It's a pretty long list! I actually surprised myself exactly how much stuff I've done in my comics career. But I've been at it for 25 years after all.
My "Portfolio" page is pretty much straightforward. Just a straight gallery of some stuff I've done over the past few years. I'll be adding stuff to this once in a while.
My old blog presents quite a bit of a problem. I've written so much articles since 1997 that I'm just overwhelmed thinking about collecting them all in just one place. At the same time I'll feel bad if I lose them because they do represent a significant portion of my life. One at a time, I guess.
My "About" page describes pretty much who I am and what I do, along with a list of things I have accomplished in comics. It's a pretty long list! I actually surprised myself exactly how much stuff I've done in my comics career. But I've been at it for 25 years after all.
My "Portfolio" page is pretty much straightforward. Just a straight gallery of some stuff I've done over the past few years. I'll be adding stuff to this once in a while.
My old blog presents quite a bit of a problem. I've written so much articles since 1997 that I'm just overwhelmed thinking about collecting them all in just one place. At the same time I'll feel bad if I lose them because they do represent a significant portion of my life. One at a time, I guess.
Thursday, November 2, 2017
My Online Shops!
I thought I'd go ahead and open my official shops online. I first tried Shopify to sell items that I already have in hand like my published books. But I thought it was too complicated because I had to tinker with all these settings that made sure I could only accept orders from within the Philippines. It got to be too much of a headache for me so I thought I'd just do it the simple way, which is to just do it through blogger right here.
Right now, only Elmer and Rodski Patotski: Ang Dalagang Baby are available, but I will soon add other things here like Where Bold Stars Go To Die and Wasted (once I get them reprinted), back issues of Elmer, Crest Hut Butt shop and other things lying around the house.
The next shop is an inspiration from Carlo Vergara. He seems to have found a Philippine based T-shirt maker that does Print on Demand and it seems to have worked out well for him. So now I'm also opening my own official T-shirt shop of things I've created. Click on photo to go to link.
Right now, only Elmer and Rodski Patotski: Ang Dalagang Baby are available, but I will soon add other things here like Where Bold Stars Go To Die and Wasted (once I get them reprinted), back issues of Elmer, Crest Hut Butt shop and other things lying around the house.
The next shop is an inspiration from Carlo Vergara. He seems to have found a Philippine based T-shirt maker that does Print on Demand and it seems to have worked out well for him. So now I'm also opening my own official T-shirt shop of things I've created. Click on photo to go to link.
I will be adding more designs here in the future!
Unlike my Komikero Shop, the T-shirts will be made to order via Custom Thread. They are not stocked here in my house. If you order these, please let me know what you think.
I also opened a shop on Zazzle for those outside the Philippines. Available items include Hey, Baby! and Elmer shirts, tote bags and stickers.
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